2025 Six Metre World Championship

The 2025 Six Metre World Championship will be held at Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club, September 17 - 26, 2025. A Notice of Race is expected to be released by early November 2024. 

Tentative Schedule
September 17-19, 2025 - Event Measurement
Note that we will ask all competitors to submit a valid measurement certificate no later than Friday, 8 August to help expedite the event measurement process. Certificates that have expired must be revalidated before they are submitted - the event measurement checks do not constitute re-validation.

September 20: Practice Race
September 21: Practice Race spare day.
September 22-26: Championship Races (Eight races will be programmed over five days)
September 26: No warning signal after 1400."

There will be a Housing Chairperson who will publish housing options and ideas. Expect this information in November.
Boat transport to New York is easy and competitively priced. The Seawanhaka Boatyard has its own travel lift and 40-ton crane. Details on boat transport will be published by early November.

There will be an exciting social schedule. There will be organized outings to New York City and the "Hamptons", including vineyards, for non racers

Seawanhaka has a prominent history in the 6 Metre class. It's membership, staff and Flag Officers are excited about the prospect of hosting this historic event.

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Email Contact
[email protected]